The Narrows
The Narrows

In nature, water can have amazing effects on stone. This piece of polished sandstone brings to mind the ways that water has carved its way through the canyons of the American west. In particular, the swirls and swoops in the stone resemble an area of Zion National Park, in southern Utah. Including the black granite base on which it is mounted, it is 7 inches deep, 8 inches wide, 10 inches high, and weighs 14 pounds. It was selected for the 2018 West Michigan Art Exhibition in Lowell, Michigan

Price $1000


This piece of Translucent White steatite connotes smooth, billowing sails spreading to encompass the air. On a personal note, it reminds me of a visit to the famous Opera House in Sydney, Australia. The narrow strip of unfinished stone reminds us that nature’s beauty exists both with and without us. The finished piece (including the contrasting garnet granite base) is 7 inches wide, 6 inches deep, 18 inches high, and weighs 27 pounds. It was selected for the 2019 “Untitled, a Juried Exhibition,” in Crawfordsville, IN.

Price $1500


This Blue Mist alabaster contains hints of white throughout. Especially on a sunny day, it echoes fond memories of the bright Colorado sky and the wispy clouds that passed overhead. The curves and lines keep the eye moving from place to place, always with something new to see. The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 9 inches wide, 7 1/2 inches deep, 13 inches high, and weighs 20 pounds. It was selected for the 40th Annual Whitewater Valley Art Competition in Richmond, IN.

Price $1200


This piece was carved from Lemon Green steatite. The placement of the forms and spaces seemed to me to resemble the elements of a face, but my daughter said it reminded her of a dragon, thus the name of the piece. The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 8 inches wide, 7 inches deep, 15 ½ inches high, and weighs 31 pounds. It was selected for the 40th Annual Whitewater Valley Art Competition in Richmond, IN.

Price $1300


Palette is carved from Indian Gala Red steatite. The negative spaces and smooth curves draw the eye while the sharp edges provide tactile interest. It is easy to overlook the small area of natural stone at the top that reminds us what nature provides. The undulations and the variations in the coloring of this piece remind me of an area in Death Valley National Park called Artist’s Palette, thus the title. The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 15 1/2 inches wide, 4 inches deep, 8 1/2 inches high, and weighs 18 pounds.

Price $1200

The Tunnel
The Tunnel

Since a tunnel is a passage through something, the name is obvious from the shape of the piece. I wanted to showcase both the natural surface as well as the silky smooth polished surfaces that “translucent alabaster” can take on. Plus, this piece also had some of the black highlighting that is common to this kind of stone. It is mounted on black quartz, weighs 8 pounds, and is 8 inches wide, 8 inches high, and 6 inches deep..

Price $300


Consisting primarily of smoothed and shaped apertures, only the crest of the piece and a small area at the base are natural Washington state grey steatite. It is reminiscent of a small coral ridge off the coast of Maui. The finished piece (without a base) is 24 inches wide, 7 inches deep, 12 inches high, and weighs 25 pounds.

Price $3200


Carved from a piece of rhyolite known as “Wonderstone,” the polished surfaces contrast nicely with the natural surface on the top edge and also with the raised iron deposits that were embedded in the stone. The yellow highlights running through the stone (probably sulfur deposits) were a surprise, thus the name of the piece. With its black granite base, it is 6 inches deep, 9 1/2 inches wide, and 9 3/4 inches high. It weighs 17 pounds.

Price $750


One normally thinks of waves rolling across the sea or on to a beach. However, this piece of sandstone looks very much like the undulating effects on stone eroded by water and wind that occur in parts of the American southwest, most notably in Arizona and Utah. Including the black granite base on which it is mounted, it is 3 1/2 inches deep, 9 3/4 inches wide, and 12 inches high. It weighs 9 pounds.

Price $650


This piece of oystershell alabaster contains multiple cavities and hollows, sweeping curves with sharp edges, all culminating in a single joined spire. The color is subtle, with hues of brown and yellow mingled in with the oystershell. Mounted on polished red maple, the finished piece is 14 inches wide, 9 1/2 inches deep, 14 1/2 inches high, and weighs 26 pounds.

Price $1500

Simple Form
Simple Form

“Translucent white” alabaster is one of my favorite stones for carving. When it is smoothed and polished, it takes on a silky look, and an almost sensuous feel. This small piece, mounted on black quartz, has a simple curved form which ends in sharp edges. It is 5 ¾ inches wide, 6 inches high, 3 ¾ inches deep, and only weighs 4 pounds..

Price $100

Bilanx Sine
Bilanx Sine

The spaces, sensuous curves, sharp edges, and bifurcated trunk, combined with the natural seams of black in the stone, gave rise to elements of the title which has Latin origins. It is Italian white alabaster, mounted on a block of black granite. The finished piece (including the base) is 9 inches wide, 7 inches deep, 19 ½ inches high, and weighs 19 pounds. It was selected for the 2012 exhibition at the Park Club in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Price $1100


Carved from Princess Carlotta Green alabaster, the forms and spaces are almost architectural in style, yet the natural stone on one side reminds us that nature also produces stunning structures. The finished piece (including the base) is 7 inches wide, 4 inches deep, 13 ½ inches high, and weighs about 9 pounds.

Price $400


For this piece of translucent white steatite on a black granite base, the rounded curves and the sharp edges represent movement and fluidity. Portions of the original stone surface remain to remind the viewer that nature is beautiful both by itself and in contrast to what humans may do with it. The overall shape suggests a feeling that is smooth and flowing, as the waves that cross the seas. It was selected for the Summer Art Show at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts in 2013. The finished piece is 17” wide, 4 ½“ deep, 11” high, and weighs 22 pounds.

Price $2500


The first piece I ever carved was out of a small block of plaster. The shapes were two simple columns that intertwine. I used that carving to make a mold, and then poured this small bronze piece. Mounted on a column of white alabaster that is 3 inches in diameter, the piece is 9 inches high, and weighs 7 pounds.

Price $1200

Sunset Cliffs
Sunset Cliffs

Given the color of the stone (Tiger’s Eye alabaster), the piece seemed to resemble sea-side bluffs and caves smoothly eroded by wind and water, all viewed in the glow of an evening sun. A tiny strip of unfinished stone falls down the right edge of the piece to remind us that nature can be rugged as well as beautiful. The finished piece (including the base) is 13 1/2 inches wide, 7 1/2 inches deep, 8 1/4 inches high, and weighs 19 pounds.

Price $1200


Given the general shape of the piece, there was little indecision about the title. The three legs reach up to the perfectly smooth triangle-shaped surface, yet curve toward one another underneath. Carved from a block of serpentinite, the piece is 10 1/2 inches deep, 9 inches wide, and 12 1/2 inches high. With its black granite base, it weighs 17 pounds.

Price $400


The title was obvious, once the shape became defined. Indeed, the overall form does resemble one of those ancient weapons. Most of the edges are sharp, and the red raspberry alabaster reinforces the feeling, although one edge or natural stone remains for contrast. Mounted at an acute angle on a piece of black granite, the piece is 3 1/2 inches deep, 12 inches wide, and 13 1/2 inches high. It weighs 8 pounds.

Price $600


This piece of Red Raspberry alabaster started out as a simple block, left over from a larger piece of stone. I decided to carve the curves, spaces and ridges that would highlight the varied colors and patterns of grain in the stone. It has a section of natural stone, which contrasts dramatically with the smooth, polished surfaces. The name comes from the deep cleft in the top with the fissure plunging to the base. The piece is 8 inches deep, 8 inches wide, and 9 1/2 inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 22 pounds.

Price $1100


The lines in this large piece of Red Raspberry alabaster clearly flow in a vertical direction, yet swirl, giving it a sense of movement as well as form. The curves flow from bottom to top, ending in what could easily be a lip for pouring – thus the name. The strip of natural stone running down one side reminds us that what we see in nature is not always what we can make of it. With its black granite base, it is 7 1/2 inches deep, 12 inches wide, and 17 1/2 inches high. It weighs 28 pounds.

Price $2900

Opus 1
Opus 1

This was the first piece of marble I selected for carving - thus the name. This Vermont white marble is harder, thus more difficult to carve, and is full of green striations. Therefore, the general form of a parallelogram seemed a good choice. Although I originally planned for it to lie on one of the four flat sides, I decided to mount it vertically to better display the colored grains in the stone. With its base, the piece is 9 inches deep, 14 1/2 inches wide, and 18 inches high. Mounted on a slab of Brazilian cherry, it weighs 40 pounds.

Price $2500


This small piece of deep green steatite was cut from a larger block of stone. The smooth curves and sharp edges contrast nicely with the many seams and imperfections running through the stone. They serve to highlight both the color and the shapes. It is mounted on black quartz and weighs about 7 pounds. It is 7 inches wide, 6 ½ inches high, and 5 ¼ inches deep.

Price $200


Unlike some other types of alabaster, this Michigan alabaster tends to have a lot of impurities. Therefore, I tried to emphasize them in this mostly white piece, consequently the descriptive name. As is common in my work, some of the surface is left natural, plus there is open space, lots of curves, and sharp edges. The piece is 9 inches high, 10 inches wide, and 7 inches deep. Mounted on black quartz, it weighs 16 pounds.

Price $ 850


“Ma” is a Japanese concept that refers to a space or a pause. These three pieces of “translucent white” alabaster all started out as simple triangles, one equilateral and two right-angle, each to be mounted separately. However, I added arcs and mounted the two right triangles vertically to enhance the space that was created by the juxtaposition of their forms. The three pieces are mounted on a slab of black quartz. The piece weighs 11 pounds, and is 15 ½ inches wide, 5 ½ inches high and 5 ¾ inches deep.

Price $300


Most of the pieces I have finished have multiple spaces carved into them and lots of sharp edges. Using Peach Alabaster, I wanted to do something ornamental that was tall and displayed the subtle colors in the stone. Along with its height, the multiple perspectives led to the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 6 inches deep, 6 inches wide, and 19 inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 15 ½ pounds.

Price $1500


I selected this piece of Indian Gray/Green Soapstone because of the dominance of the striations running throughout the stone. The natural stone at the sides provides a strong contrast to the tiered polished surfaces, sharp edges and curves. My wife saw in it something akin to an Asian pagoda, thus the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 4 ¾ inches deep, 8 inches wide, and 11 ½ inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 13 pounds.

Price $900


Like most sedimentary rock, Arizona Sandstone was created over eons from a series of deposits. This piece has numerous thin layers, of varying color and texture. The concave areas cut into the surface highlight the openings at the top that resemble wind-eroded arches occurring in nature. Including the base, it is 5 inches deep, 4 ¾ inches wide, and 11 inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 8 pounds.



It is always interesting when you carve a piece of stone into a simple form. Translucent White alabaster lends itself well to such shapes. I started with a rectangular block, but once I carved out the cavity at the top of the block, the ultimate shape of the piece became clear, as well as the title. The impurities embedded on one face add drama and focus. It is 5 inches deep, 5 1/2 inches wide, and 10 inches high. Mounted on a small slab of black quartz, it weighs 8 pounds.



Most of the pieces I have finished have multiple spaces carved into them and lots of sharp edges. Using Translucent White alabaster, I wanted to do something that was almost completely smooth. A series of undulations was the outcome and led to the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 5 inches deep, 6 1/2 inches wide, and 8 1/2 inches high. Mounted on black quartz, it weighs 10 pounds.


Transitions II
Transitions II

This piece is carved from Black Pearl steatite, which is found in Virginia. While there is an area of natural stone on one surface, the rest of the piece is polished. It is a combination of smooth, flowing surfaces, spaces, and sharp edges, all of which show off the variability of the stone. With its base, the finished piece is 7 1/2 inches deep, 10 inches wide, and 9 inches high. Mounted on grey quartz, it weighs 8 pounds.


Seafoam II
Seafoam II

The color of the stone, Sea Mist Green steatite, seemed to demand a form that would call up thoughts of waves crashing on a shore. The result was a shape that combined elements recalling sheets of water with a sense of bubbles. It is mounted on a block of black granite. The finished piece (including the base) is 9” wide, 5” deep, 11.5” high, and weighs 14 pounds.


In Memoriam (Commision - not for sale)
In Memoriam (Commision - not for sale)

This commission was given in memory of the client’s husband. The décor of the home called for a piece of Princess Carlotta Green alabaster. The large space and form at the top symbolizes the husband and wife, and the smaller spaces and shapes below represent their three children. The finished piece (including the base) is 6 inches wide, 4 inches deep, 13 inches high, and weighs about 7 pounds.

Celebration (Commission - not for sale)
Celebration (Commission - not for sale)

This piece was designed to commemorate a wedding anniversary. The dominant décor called for a piece of Translucent White steatite, mounted on black granite. The sweeping curves and spaces represent the ebbs and flows in their life courses, while the forms that meet in the center symbolize the melding of the two as husband and wife, mother and father. The finished piece is 6 inches wide, 5 inches deep, 9 inches high, and weighs 7 pounds.

Orange Stack (Commission - not for sale)
Orange Stack (Commission - not for sale)

The original stone was a slab of Translucent Orange alabaster.  Once the three spaces were revealed and the proportions of the structure were determined, the final form took shape.  This type of alabaster has many impurities embedded in it, and after polishing become obvious to the eye.  Including the base, which is black granite, the finished piece is 9 inches wide, 4 ½ inches deep, 15 inches high, and weighs about 11 pounds.


 Arches (SOLD)
Arches (SOLD)

Arches National Park in Utah is full of extraordinary stone shapes, including pillars and arches.  Although the block of “Black Pearl” steatite from which this piece was carved came from Virginia rather than Utah, with its sharp points and clean edges, it is reminiscent of that other natural beauty.  A portion of the original stone surface remains, to remind the viewer that nature is beautiful both by itself and in contrast to what humans may do with it.  The finished piece is 9 inches wide, 5 ½ inches deep, 12 ½ inches high, and weighs 7 pounds.  It was selected for the 89th regional exhibition in Muskegon, Michigan, 2017.


In-Step (SOLD)
In-Step (SOLD)

This piece of Washington Grey steatite, mounted on black granite, vaguely resembles a foot, perhaps one taking a hesitant step forward into an unknown future.  The finished piece (including the base) is 13 inches wide, 5 ½ inches deep, 8 inches high, and weighs 15 pounds.

The Curl (SOLD)
The Curl (SOLD)

The shape of this piece is reminiscent of the top of an ocean wave just before it starts its downward drop – a gentle curve culminating in a crashing fall.  The natural stone on one end resembles the sea foam at the bottom of the curl.  You can easily imagine a surfer gliding along under it.  The stone is Lemon Green steatite, and it is mounted on a black granite base.  The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 13 inches wide, 6 inches deep, 9 ½ inches high, and weighs 14 pounds.

Moonrise (SOLD)
Moonrise (SOLD)

Once it was finished, the ridges and valleys of the small piece of Washington state grey steatite immediately recalled a mountain scene. Adding the Translucent Orange alabaster orb and mounting it above the ridge gave rise to the title. The finished piece is mounted on black granite, and is 10.5” wide, 4.5” deep, 8.5” high, and weighs 7.5 pounds.

Celestia (SOLD)
Celestia (SOLD)

For this piece of carved Washington state grey steatite on a black granite base, the sweeping curves, sharp edges, and embedded circle represent openness and movement. The overall shape pushes forward, suggesting a positive future. The finished piece is 10 inches wide, 3 inches deep, 5 high, and weighs 7 pounds.

Transitions (SOLD)
Transitions (SOLD)

“Transitions” is carved from Black Pearl steatite, which comes from Madison, Virginia.  The design is intended to draw the eye along the many curves and surfaces, into and around the spaces, and is symbolic of the many changes that occur in life.  It also has a large area of natural stone on one side which not only helped determine the final shape of the piece, but provides striking contrast with the polished surfaces.  The finished piece (which does not have a base) is 7 inches wide, 5 inches deep, 14 ½ inches high, and weighs 20 pounds.  It was selected for the 2012 exhibition at the Park Club in Kalamazoo, Michigan and was awarded Second Prize overall.

Flame Drop
Flame Drop

This small piece of Orange Translucent Alabaster was taken from a larger segment. Because of its color and the impurities that are common in this form of alabaster, it often resembles the embers that remain from a fire. Consequently, the flame-like shape led to the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 3 ½ inches deep, 3 ½ inches wide, and 9 ½ inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 3 ½ pounds.

Commissioned – Not for Sale


In western Tanzania, there is a national park called Lake Manyara. It is known, in part, for the flocks of flamingoes that nest there. After the core of the original block of Translucent Orange alabaster was carved out, the remaining shape brought to mind those flamingoes and their astounding color. Mounted on black granite, the finished piece is 10 inches wide, 6 inches deep, 13 ½ inches high, and weighs 7 ½ pounds.


The Narrows
The Tunnel
Simple Form
Bilanx Sine
Sunset Cliffs
Opus 1
Transitions II
Seafoam II
In Memoriam (Commision - not for sale)
Celebration (Commission - not for sale)
Orange Stack (Commission - not for sale)
 Arches (SOLD)
In-Step (SOLD)
The Curl (SOLD)
Moonrise (SOLD)
Celestia (SOLD)
Transitions (SOLD)
Flame Drop
The Narrows

In nature, water can have amazing effects on stone. This piece of polished sandstone brings to mind the ways that water has carved its way through the canyons of the American west. In particular, the swirls and swoops in the stone resemble an area of Zion National Park, in southern Utah. Including the black granite base on which it is mounted, it is 7 inches deep, 8 inches wide, 10 inches high, and weighs 14 pounds. It was selected for the 2018 West Michigan Art Exhibition in Lowell, Michigan

Price $1000


This piece of Translucent White steatite connotes smooth, billowing sails spreading to encompass the air. On a personal note, it reminds me of a visit to the famous Opera House in Sydney, Australia. The narrow strip of unfinished stone reminds us that nature’s beauty exists both with and without us. The finished piece (including the contrasting garnet granite base) is 7 inches wide, 6 inches deep, 18 inches high, and weighs 27 pounds. It was selected for the 2019 “Untitled, a Juried Exhibition,” in Crawfordsville, IN.

Price $1500


This Blue Mist alabaster contains hints of white throughout. Especially on a sunny day, it echoes fond memories of the bright Colorado sky and the wispy clouds that passed overhead. The curves and lines keep the eye moving from place to place, always with something new to see. The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 9 inches wide, 7 1/2 inches deep, 13 inches high, and weighs 20 pounds. It was selected for the 40th Annual Whitewater Valley Art Competition in Richmond, IN.

Price $1200


This piece was carved from Lemon Green steatite. The placement of the forms and spaces seemed to me to resemble the elements of a face, but my daughter said it reminded her of a dragon, thus the name of the piece. The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 8 inches wide, 7 inches deep, 15 ½ inches high, and weighs 31 pounds. It was selected for the 40th Annual Whitewater Valley Art Competition in Richmond, IN.

Price $1300


Palette is carved from Indian Gala Red steatite. The negative spaces and smooth curves draw the eye while the sharp edges provide tactile interest. It is easy to overlook the small area of natural stone at the top that reminds us what nature provides. The undulations and the variations in the coloring of this piece remind me of an area in Death Valley National Park called Artist’s Palette, thus the title. The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 15 1/2 inches wide, 4 inches deep, 8 1/2 inches high, and weighs 18 pounds.

Price $1200

The Tunnel

Since a tunnel is a passage through something, the name is obvious from the shape of the piece. I wanted to showcase both the natural surface as well as the silky smooth polished surfaces that “translucent alabaster” can take on. Plus, this piece also had some of the black highlighting that is common to this kind of stone. It is mounted on black quartz, weighs 8 pounds, and is 8 inches wide, 8 inches high, and 6 inches deep..

Price $300


Consisting primarily of smoothed and shaped apertures, only the crest of the piece and a small area at the base are natural Washington state grey steatite. It is reminiscent of a small coral ridge off the coast of Maui. The finished piece (without a base) is 24 inches wide, 7 inches deep, 12 inches high, and weighs 25 pounds.

Price $3200


Carved from a piece of rhyolite known as “Wonderstone,” the polished surfaces contrast nicely with the natural surface on the top edge and also with the raised iron deposits that were embedded in the stone. The yellow highlights running through the stone (probably sulfur deposits) were a surprise, thus the name of the piece. With its black granite base, it is 6 inches deep, 9 1/2 inches wide, and 9 3/4 inches high. It weighs 17 pounds.

Price $750


One normally thinks of waves rolling across the sea or on to a beach. However, this piece of sandstone looks very much like the undulating effects on stone eroded by water and wind that occur in parts of the American southwest, most notably in Arizona and Utah. Including the black granite base on which it is mounted, it is 3 1/2 inches deep, 9 3/4 inches wide, and 12 inches high. It weighs 9 pounds.

Price $650


This piece of oystershell alabaster contains multiple cavities and hollows, sweeping curves with sharp edges, all culminating in a single joined spire. The color is subtle, with hues of brown and yellow mingled in with the oystershell. Mounted on polished red maple, the finished piece is 14 inches wide, 9 1/2 inches deep, 14 1/2 inches high, and weighs 26 pounds.

Price $1500

Simple Form

“Translucent white” alabaster is one of my favorite stones for carving. When it is smoothed and polished, it takes on a silky look, and an almost sensuous feel. This small piece, mounted on black quartz, has a simple curved form which ends in sharp edges. It is 5 ¾ inches wide, 6 inches high, 3 ¾ inches deep, and only weighs 4 pounds..

Price $100

Bilanx Sine

The spaces, sensuous curves, sharp edges, and bifurcated trunk, combined with the natural seams of black in the stone, gave rise to elements of the title which has Latin origins. It is Italian white alabaster, mounted on a block of black granite. The finished piece (including the base) is 9 inches wide, 7 inches deep, 19 ½ inches high, and weighs 19 pounds. It was selected for the 2012 exhibition at the Park Club in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Price $1100


Carved from Princess Carlotta Green alabaster, the forms and spaces are almost architectural in style, yet the natural stone on one side reminds us that nature also produces stunning structures. The finished piece (including the base) is 7 inches wide, 4 inches deep, 13 ½ inches high, and weighs about 9 pounds.

Price $400


For this piece of translucent white steatite on a black granite base, the rounded curves and the sharp edges represent movement and fluidity. Portions of the original stone surface remain to remind the viewer that nature is beautiful both by itself and in contrast to what humans may do with it. The overall shape suggests a feeling that is smooth and flowing, as the waves that cross the seas. It was selected for the Summer Art Show at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts in 2013. The finished piece is 17” wide, 4 ½“ deep, 11” high, and weighs 22 pounds.

Price $2500


The first piece I ever carved was out of a small block of plaster. The shapes were two simple columns that intertwine. I used that carving to make a mold, and then poured this small bronze piece. Mounted on a column of white alabaster that is 3 inches in diameter, the piece is 9 inches high, and weighs 7 pounds.

Price $1200

Sunset Cliffs

Given the color of the stone (Tiger’s Eye alabaster), the piece seemed to resemble sea-side bluffs and caves smoothly eroded by wind and water, all viewed in the glow of an evening sun. A tiny strip of unfinished stone falls down the right edge of the piece to remind us that nature can be rugged as well as beautiful. The finished piece (including the base) is 13 1/2 inches wide, 7 1/2 inches deep, 8 1/4 inches high, and weighs 19 pounds.

Price $1200


Given the general shape of the piece, there was little indecision about the title. The three legs reach up to the perfectly smooth triangle-shaped surface, yet curve toward one another underneath. Carved from a block of serpentinite, the piece is 10 1/2 inches deep, 9 inches wide, and 12 1/2 inches high. With its black granite base, it weighs 17 pounds.

Price $400


The title was obvious, once the shape became defined. Indeed, the overall form does resemble one of those ancient weapons. Most of the edges are sharp, and the red raspberry alabaster reinforces the feeling, although one edge or natural stone remains for contrast. Mounted at an acute angle on a piece of black granite, the piece is 3 1/2 inches deep, 12 inches wide, and 13 1/2 inches high. It weighs 8 pounds.

Price $600


This piece of Red Raspberry alabaster started out as a simple block, left over from a larger piece of stone. I decided to carve the curves, spaces and ridges that would highlight the varied colors and patterns of grain in the stone. It has a section of natural stone, which contrasts dramatically with the smooth, polished surfaces. The name comes from the deep cleft in the top with the fissure plunging to the base. The piece is 8 inches deep, 8 inches wide, and 9 1/2 inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 22 pounds.

Price $1100


The lines in this large piece of Red Raspberry alabaster clearly flow in a vertical direction, yet swirl, giving it a sense of movement as well as form. The curves flow from bottom to top, ending in what could easily be a lip for pouring – thus the name. The strip of natural stone running down one side reminds us that what we see in nature is not always what we can make of it. With its black granite base, it is 7 1/2 inches deep, 12 inches wide, and 17 1/2 inches high. It weighs 28 pounds.

Price $2900

Opus 1

This was the first piece of marble I selected for carving - thus the name. This Vermont white marble is harder, thus more difficult to carve, and is full of green striations. Therefore, the general form of a parallelogram seemed a good choice. Although I originally planned for it to lie on one of the four flat sides, I decided to mount it vertically to better display the colored grains in the stone. With its base, the piece is 9 inches deep, 14 1/2 inches wide, and 18 inches high. Mounted on a slab of Brazilian cherry, it weighs 40 pounds.

Price $2500


This small piece of deep green steatite was cut from a larger block of stone. The smooth curves and sharp edges contrast nicely with the many seams and imperfections running through the stone. They serve to highlight both the color and the shapes. It is mounted on black quartz and weighs about 7 pounds. It is 7 inches wide, 6 ½ inches high, and 5 ¼ inches deep.

Price $200


Unlike some other types of alabaster, this Michigan alabaster tends to have a lot of impurities. Therefore, I tried to emphasize them in this mostly white piece, consequently the descriptive name. As is common in my work, some of the surface is left natural, plus there is open space, lots of curves, and sharp edges. The piece is 9 inches high, 10 inches wide, and 7 inches deep. Mounted on black quartz, it weighs 16 pounds.

Price $ 850


“Ma” is a Japanese concept that refers to a space or a pause. These three pieces of “translucent white” alabaster all started out as simple triangles, one equilateral and two right-angle, each to be mounted separately. However, I added arcs and mounted the two right triangles vertically to enhance the space that was created by the juxtaposition of their forms. The three pieces are mounted on a slab of black quartz. The piece weighs 11 pounds, and is 15 ½ inches wide, 5 ½ inches high and 5 ¾ inches deep.

Price $300


Most of the pieces I have finished have multiple spaces carved into them and lots of sharp edges. Using Peach Alabaster, I wanted to do something ornamental that was tall and displayed the subtle colors in the stone. Along with its height, the multiple perspectives led to the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 6 inches deep, 6 inches wide, and 19 inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 15 ½ pounds.

Price $1500


I selected this piece of Indian Gray/Green Soapstone because of the dominance of the striations running throughout the stone. The natural stone at the sides provides a strong contrast to the tiered polished surfaces, sharp edges and curves. My wife saw in it something akin to an Asian pagoda, thus the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 4 ¾ inches deep, 8 inches wide, and 11 ½ inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 13 pounds.

Price $900


Like most sedimentary rock, Arizona Sandstone was created over eons from a series of deposits. This piece has numerous thin layers, of varying color and texture. The concave areas cut into the surface highlight the openings at the top that resemble wind-eroded arches occurring in nature. Including the base, it is 5 inches deep, 4 ¾ inches wide, and 11 inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 8 pounds.



It is always interesting when you carve a piece of stone into a simple form. Translucent White alabaster lends itself well to such shapes. I started with a rectangular block, but once I carved out the cavity at the top of the block, the ultimate shape of the piece became clear, as well as the title. The impurities embedded on one face add drama and focus. It is 5 inches deep, 5 1/2 inches wide, and 10 inches high. Mounted on a small slab of black quartz, it weighs 8 pounds.



Most of the pieces I have finished have multiple spaces carved into them and lots of sharp edges. Using Translucent White alabaster, I wanted to do something that was almost completely smooth. A series of undulations was the outcome and led to the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 5 inches deep, 6 1/2 inches wide, and 8 1/2 inches high. Mounted on black quartz, it weighs 10 pounds.


Transitions II

This piece is carved from Black Pearl steatite, which is found in Virginia. While there is an area of natural stone on one surface, the rest of the piece is polished. It is a combination of smooth, flowing surfaces, spaces, and sharp edges, all of which show off the variability of the stone. With its base, the finished piece is 7 1/2 inches deep, 10 inches wide, and 9 inches high. Mounted on grey quartz, it weighs 8 pounds.


Seafoam II

The color of the stone, Sea Mist Green steatite, seemed to demand a form that would call up thoughts of waves crashing on a shore. The result was a shape that combined elements recalling sheets of water with a sense of bubbles. It is mounted on a block of black granite. The finished piece (including the base) is 9” wide, 5” deep, 11.5” high, and weighs 14 pounds.


In Memoriam (Commision - not for sale)

This commission was given in memory of the client’s husband. The décor of the home called for a piece of Princess Carlotta Green alabaster. The large space and form at the top symbolizes the husband and wife, and the smaller spaces and shapes below represent their three children. The finished piece (including the base) is 6 inches wide, 4 inches deep, 13 inches high, and weighs about 7 pounds.

Celebration (Commission - not for sale)

This piece was designed to commemorate a wedding anniversary. The dominant décor called for a piece of Translucent White steatite, mounted on black granite. The sweeping curves and spaces represent the ebbs and flows in their life courses, while the forms that meet in the center symbolize the melding of the two as husband and wife, mother and father. The finished piece is 6 inches wide, 5 inches deep, 9 inches high, and weighs 7 pounds.

Orange Stack (Commission - not for sale)

The original stone was a slab of Translucent Orange alabaster.  Once the three spaces were revealed and the proportions of the structure were determined, the final form took shape.  This type of alabaster has many impurities embedded in it, and after polishing become obvious to the eye.  Including the base, which is black granite, the finished piece is 9 inches wide, 4 ½ inches deep, 15 inches high, and weighs about 11 pounds.


Arches (SOLD)

Arches National Park in Utah is full of extraordinary stone shapes, including pillars and arches.  Although the block of “Black Pearl” steatite from which this piece was carved came from Virginia rather than Utah, with its sharp points and clean edges, it is reminiscent of that other natural beauty.  A portion of the original stone surface remains, to remind the viewer that nature is beautiful both by itself and in contrast to what humans may do with it.  The finished piece is 9 inches wide, 5 ½ inches deep, 12 ½ inches high, and weighs 7 pounds.  It was selected for the 89th regional exhibition in Muskegon, Michigan, 2017.


In-Step (SOLD)

This piece of Washington Grey steatite, mounted on black granite, vaguely resembles a foot, perhaps one taking a hesitant step forward into an unknown future.  The finished piece (including the base) is 13 inches wide, 5 ½ inches deep, 8 inches high, and weighs 15 pounds.

The Curl (SOLD)

The shape of this piece is reminiscent of the top of an ocean wave just before it starts its downward drop – a gentle curve culminating in a crashing fall.  The natural stone on one end resembles the sea foam at the bottom of the curl.  You can easily imagine a surfer gliding along under it.  The stone is Lemon Green steatite, and it is mounted on a black granite base.  The finished piece (including the black granite base) is 13 inches wide, 6 inches deep, 9 ½ inches high, and weighs 14 pounds.

Moonrise (SOLD)

Once it was finished, the ridges and valleys of the small piece of Washington state grey steatite immediately recalled a mountain scene. Adding the Translucent Orange alabaster orb and mounting it above the ridge gave rise to the title. The finished piece is mounted on black granite, and is 10.5” wide, 4.5” deep, 8.5” high, and weighs 7.5 pounds.

Celestia (SOLD)

For this piece of carved Washington state grey steatite on a black granite base, the sweeping curves, sharp edges, and embedded circle represent openness and movement. The overall shape pushes forward, suggesting a positive future. The finished piece is 10 inches wide, 3 inches deep, 5 high, and weighs 7 pounds.

Transitions (SOLD)

“Transitions” is carved from Black Pearl steatite, which comes from Madison, Virginia.  The design is intended to draw the eye along the many curves and surfaces, into and around the spaces, and is symbolic of the many changes that occur in life.  It also has a large area of natural stone on one side which not only helped determine the final shape of the piece, but provides striking contrast with the polished surfaces.  The finished piece (which does not have a base) is 7 inches wide, 5 inches deep, 14 ½ inches high, and weighs 20 pounds.  It was selected for the 2012 exhibition at the Park Club in Kalamazoo, Michigan and was awarded Second Prize overall.

Flame Drop

This small piece of Orange Translucent Alabaster was taken from a larger segment. Because of its color and the impurities that are common in this form of alabaster, it often resembles the embers that remain from a fire. Consequently, the flame-like shape led to the title for the piece. Including the base, it is 3 ½ inches deep, 3 ½ inches wide, and 9 ½ inches high. Mounted on black granite, it weighs 3 ½ pounds.

Commissioned – Not for Sale


In western Tanzania, there is a national park called Lake Manyara. It is known, in part, for the flocks of flamingoes that nest there. After the core of the original block of Translucent Orange alabaster was carved out, the remaining shape brought to mind those flamingoes and their astounding color. Mounted on black granite, the finished piece is 10 inches wide, 6 inches deep, 13 ½ inches high, and weighs 7 ½ pounds.


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